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Monday, March 19, 2007

Ouch... ow... ouwwie.. ooh... ahh.. oww!

I am hurting EVERYWHERE tonight!

Me pushing Molly up a BIG hill!

Yeaterday morning I got up bright and early (5:30am!!), strapped Molly into the pram with little socks on her hands (forgot her mittens) and a lovely warm knitted blanket and made the chilly, dark, 20 min walk from my Aunt's place (where Molly and I stayed over) to the Alexandra Gardens to meet 31 other women for AJ Rochester's Healthy Body Club's BOOTY CAMP!

It was such a great morning!

AJ organised her own personal trainer Andrew to come and kick our (mostly large) booties. We started with a lap of the Tan track which usually takes about forty minutes to walk around at a brisk pace. Well... it took us 1.5 hours as Andrew sent us up and down every hill and set of stairs we came across. It was HARD!

We then went back to where we met to begin with and he ran us through some sit ups, push ups, dips, squats and he made us do this thing where he would yell out "TREES!" and we'd have to run around and touch ten trees.

To finish, we played a game of fun soccer (I kicked a goal and Kate headded a goal!!) and had a pep talk from Andrew about nutrition.

FYI: Andrew, who is an experienced trainer believes that weight loss/maintinance is 70% nutrition and 30% Exercise. He also believes we are a society of carb addicts who are on a carb merry-go-round having energy slumps and feeding them with loads of carbs and then peaking.. slumping.. peaking.. etc etc. He wasn't suggesting a no-carb diet but one that relies on good quality low gi carbs, veggies, fruit and protein. I must say I agree with him. What do you think??

He also challenged us to include some good fats in our diets to keep us satisfied and said to try, on one night to eat some white fish and salad, then the next night to try some deep water (fattier) fish like salmon and see which one is more satisfying. He assured us it would be the latter.

We finished off the morning with a yummy breakfast at Blue Train where AJ Handed out the Booty Babe award and medals for everyone! Even Molly got one! Thanks to Ails (I stole her photos) Check out her blog for more piccies!

Molly receiving her medal
Ajay Rochester presenting me with my medal

My weight was up a little bit this week but I'm not going to let that ruin how awesome I feel about myself for pushing that heavy pram aound the tan with everyone elses belongings (note to self: if you take the pram you WILL become a pack horse). My muscles are so sore today and I know they'll be even worse tomorrow. Only one way to fix that! More exercise!!!

That'll do from me tonight!



Kate said...

I'm so sore too Ash! So sorry I just remembered that I was meant to have a push of molly in return for you pushing my stuff around! Sorry! I owe you big time!

We all did so well yesterday, don't feel too bad about the scales. Booty can kickstart a new phase for us both! :)

Kate xx

Chris H said...

Painful muscles, yep got them too today, got to be good for us! Wish they had booty camps here, boo hoo

philippa_moore said...

What a great effort Ash, well done!!

Love your hair too!!


Alisha - the.wineglass.manifesto said...

That's such an awesome effort! Looks like it was a great day!

Jocelyn said...

Ash you are awesome, all that exercise, plus Molly in tow. I take my hat off to you. And what a fantastic example you are setting for Molly, she will be able to look back at the photos as she grows up and think that exercise is such a normal part of her life as you will have been leading the way since she was born.

Amanda said...

Sounds like a fantastic day Ash- who'd have thought the day would come when I'd be jealous of a day of hard core exercise! You're right- the best way to get rid of the aches is to do more!

Love the hair! Molly looks so cute with her medal :)


Cinders said...

There are some gorgeous photos of Molly. Glad you came x

Jadey said...

Sounds like a great weekend - Good on you hun!

Tina said...

Great photos Ash. I love the one of Molly with her medal.

Sounds like you girls had a great day.

HD said...

Congrats on your Medals, they are so cute! Molly has her own pink medal, that's so gorgeous! Well done on pushing everything around, you are one rocking mum!

The Candid Bandit said...

I really love your hair. Bet you feel free!

Congratulations, imagine how much energy you burnt.

I can hear how proud you are and that makes me proud of you.