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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The winner's journey...

I'm just watching The Biggest Loser and have been totally inspired by Damian. This boy is over 200 kilograms and just doesn't give up!

During his one on one training session with blue team trainer Shannon, Damian ran to the point where he thought he couldn't go any longer and fell to the ground. All it took was Shannon saying "This is the first time I have been disappointed in you" for Damian to spring back up to push his hefty tired body for another 6 laps of the gym!

The difference between a sucessful person and a failure is that never give up attitude. This is the same with the life-long journey to a healthy body, mind and spirit. Giving up is not an option if you REALLY want it. Although, luckily, there is no such thing as failure on the road to health and fitness as there is always another day. There will always be good days and bad days however it is a journey with many twists and turns some expected and some unexpected, unwelcome and unplanned for. The awesome thing about it is that we can always draw a line in the metaphorical sand and start afresh.

Do NOT wait until tomorrow! Start NOW... put down the chocolate bar, chips and coke and take yourself out for a walk. Or if you are sitting at your desk at work do some butt squeezes and tummy sucky-inny things.

Let me tell you, it feels good, GREAT, FANTASTIC to achieve your goals and it feels especially special to be able to put on that pair of pants that didn't fit a month ago. But the most satisfying feeling is to look at yourself in the mirror with total self respect, knowing for sure that you are doing the best for that amazing body of yours.

Respect yourself.




Anonymous GP said...

How true :) Thanks for the inspiration. Good luck getting back to your goal, with this attitude I'm sure it will be soon.

Amanda said...

Good post Ash! I was super impressed by Dameon last night too (a little bit scary that Shannen has that much control over him though!).

Thats something I think about a lot- odn't wait until tomorrow, next week, next month. Just do it now!

HD said...

AMEN WOMEN! I love that :) remind me to read that again once baby is popped and i'm back at it again!

The Candid Bandit said...

What an awesome post.

I can totally understand the need to please your trainer. I would push myself way beyond my perceived limits when I had one. It's a need to please and not seem weak that takes over at that point.

What Im working on at the moment is the 'not wanting it badly enough'. I have a fear of being thin... but not a fear of being healthy. Working on it.

PersistentGirl said...

Thank you for such an inspiring post...words I needed to hear :).

Kate said...

R.E.S.P.E.C.T... *hums along* wonderful, insightful post Ash. I am looking forward to the week ahead, you have inspired me - gorgeous girl!

Big hugs, ta,
Katie xx

Amanda said...

Great post Ash!

My father told me was that he was disappointed in me, and it still hurts me to this day. I'll never forget that look in his eyes, and the sound of his voice :( Would have been easier if he just yelled at me!

philippa_moore said...

What a fabulous post Ash - you have a way of motivating people and writing with pep, oomph and a "go get 'em" attitude!! You're one inspiring girl.

Love you heaps xoxoxoxoxo