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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Back to reality... oops there goes gravity!

I'm back from our lovely trip to Adelaide... We flew in last night after a great five days with John's folks, Mezz, Byron and Felix.

I have some photos to share and a funny video of Molly giggling but they will have to wait as I am just writing this quick post from Nan and Pop's place while Nan is singing Molly to sleep.

See you soon!


PS. Ate a LOT of chocolate over Easter... put on a kilo and a bit... back to the ole' drawing board!


Nicole said...

Hi Ash
If there's one time of the year we are allowed to not feel ANY guilt over a kilo or so, its Easter. (The other time would be Chrissy) You are doing so well and are a bit of an inspiration to me and obviously many others out there as well. Keep it up!
Nicole XXX

Chris H said...

So you had a wonderful holiday and ate chocolate, this is OK, we are all human and chocolate is bloody yum..... just not all the time. Looking forward to seeing your photos.