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Monday, June 25, 2007

Week 4 recap...

Well! Here we are at the beginning of another week!

Sorry to all the girls who attended for piking out on another blogger catch-up! I hope you all had a fantastic time bowling.
This week has been good on the training front- not teriffic but good... I have eaten very well and did more exercise than last week but I have stll felt a bit blahhhh.... I think it's because the house is a bit of a mess and I can't get on top of the laundry. Oh well- I did get into the gym to do yoga and cycle and feel my cardio fitness has improved a lot.

My weight stayed the same this week but I feel a bit bloated and haven't had enough water so I'll make sure I have plenty this week and see what happens. My body fat has dropped 1% this week so maybe I've built some muscle too.

Here's some piccies of little miss cuteness and her cuzz..




Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Simply too cute... hope you feel better soon Ash..

Anonymous said...

you are doing so well! and your may to june stats change looks way impressive!

love the photos too - she really is a cutie!

missmegan1974 said...

Gee, she is a cutie isn't she...

philippa_moore said...

Oh Ash, she just gets cuter every time I "see" her!!!

Miss you guys


The Candid Bandit said...

My gosh she grows so quickly in every picture I see!

Cutie patoooooooootie. And Molly's not bad either. LOL Kidding.

Jadey said...

We missed you but understand. I'm so glad you are getting back into the classes etc. I should be participating in some very soon also.

ludsi loo said...

omg ash, molly is soooo cute, well done on sticking to your plan like glue. good luck with your water consumption! :) Luds xx