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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Semi Naked Flab Pics...

Quick post to share my photos with you all... this is a very scary thing as I haven't had any semi-naked flab shots done for a LONG time... But it's good for me to put it out there! I can't wait till my 12 week pics!

Here are a couple of pics of the haul of food I bought on Sunday to prepare myself for week 1 of my 12 week program.

Nighty night...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

New Program...

YAY! I have my new program and I have stuck to it like glue for the first two days.

I am alternating upper and lower body workouts with a day of cardio in between (some days I have to do both on the same day but need to make sure I do one in the morning and one later in the day. My lower bod is quite sore from Monday's workout! I pulled out one of my old aerobic dvds yesterday for my cardio as the weather was terrible and I didn't want to go out for a walk or swim- it tired me out though so that's a positive!

Kerryn has also given me a whole list of recipes to try out. I have already tried the lime basil chicken stirfry, protein pancakes and tuna and sweet potato patties. Tonight will be homemade chicken burgers with salad or steamed veggies.

Yesterdays meals went like this:
B. Protein pancake with splenda and lime
S. cottage cheese, natural yoghurt and mixed berries
L. Chickpeas with tuna and steamed vegetables
S. Small protein bar and an apple
D. Tuna patties with steamed carrots, broccoli and cauliflower
S. A pear microwaved with cinnamon and splenda (yumm!!)... Ok.. I'm off to do upper body!



Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yeast Infection and my 12 week program...

I am really excited as I get my new 12week training and nutrition program this week written by Kek (!

I have worked out why I have been so miserable recently...I have had a yeast infection in my nipples (and probably other places in my body too... eeew!) and Molly has had it in her mouth- the poor little cherub! So to combat the yeast growth I have gone off bread, pasta and anything with sugar in it... which is really a good thing as I am starting this new nutrition plan soon and it wont be a huge shock to my system when I detox from the sugar my body has been used to recently. The thing about yeast infections is that it makes you CRAVE sweet things and simple carbs... so I am pleased with my efforts! Molly has had some medicine but it has made her poo really yukky so I went to the health food shop yesterday to find out what natural remedies there are. So we are now both on a probiotic powder. I hope it works!

I really need a haircut as my most recent do is beginning to resemble a german military helmet! So I think that's in the plan for today!


Saturday, May 19, 2007


Feeling a little flat and low recently... don't feel like blogging much so I'm having a little break. I don't see the point in doing this when I'm not enjoying it.

I'm starting a 12 week training program soon and when I get the details I'll post about that. But until then I'm having a rest from blogging.

Hope all is going well.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Exercise, food and breastmilk....

I have been thinking about ditching Contours as it has no childcare but have decided to keep it- not because I have worked out a good childcare solution, but because it is going to cost me over 400 bucks to get out of my contract and they do not offer membership transfers.. :(

I have asked around and so far I can get my sis in law and mum in law to look after Molly- so that's 2 possibly 3 days covered... I just need to get myself organised and we should be ok.

This week has been good- I haven't been focussing on weights much as I have been waiting to get this gym stuff sorted but have been for 3 2 hour long pram-pushing, hill-climbing/descending walks. One of the mums from mums group lives near by and is trying to lose some weight too so we push each other to go a bit further and a bit faster.. My glutes are really sore! Ya!

My eating is still not 100% but I'm feeling good and my milk supply is getting better. I am taking fenugreek capsules to try and boost my supply a little so I can express- gee they smell!

Tomorrow I am going to have a nice clean eating day as follows:
B. Oats and some yummy scrambled eggs
S. 1 apple and 2 corn thins with vegemite
L. 1 tin salmon, salad, 1/2 avocado and a super grainy roll
S. Aussie bodies rtd protein shake, veg sticks tatziki dip
D. Chicken with stir fry veggies

I am going to an afternoon tea party thing at a friends house and for the first time in ages I am going to say NO to all the junk that will be on offer and will eat my veg sticks and yoghurt dip while I'm there.

Wish me luck!!


Thursday, May 03, 2007

Long time between drinks... erm.. I mean.. posts!

Well, Here I am...

To be completely honest I just have no felt like blogging much recently. I have been sneakily reading other blogs without commenting much and have just joined the Rally Room at and have been posting a little in the forums there. It seems that all is quiet in the blogging world at the moment... maybe it's the colder weather (for the Melbournians).

I don't have much to report on the health and fitness front... I have been hovering around the same weight for the last week which is fine with me as I have just been plodding along without really tracking. The only exercise I have been doing is walking although pushing the heavy pram has been making my arms, shoulders and quaddys hurt so I know I am getting a decent workout.

Molly wise, there is some news... she cut her first tooth today! She's only four months old for goodness sake!! I couldn't stop laughing when I found it today as it's so rediculous... she was only just born!!

I have been offered a month of work beginning next Saturday taking all telephone, website and email enquiries for Birthready. This was a fantastic childbirth preparation and gentle exercise class I did during my pregnancy and I feel very excited to be able to be involved. Any preggy ladies in Melbourne should definately do these classes as you will feel much more informed and prepared for your (and your baby's) labour and birth.

I've been very busy doing nothing worth reporting but I am back on the face of the blogging earth.

Love to all
