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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Going great guns...

I have been pretty quiet recently so I thought it was time for an update...


I'm feeling great. Had a few weeks of blah with poor food choices and not much exercise but have since picked up again with the looming 4km fun run and triathlon pink helping me to keep motivated. I am eating very well right now as I know that everything I put into my body will affect how well I am able to cope with training and the events. I have been training four times a week alternating swimming, cycling, jogging and walking. I know I should be doing some weights but I just don't have the time and I'm trying to concentrate on building my cardio fitness again. Not sure if I mentioned that I lost 9kg during my 12 week challenge- then put on 2 and lost them again *lol*... If anyone wants to do some tri training with me please let me know as I'd love some company.


My dear family are doing well. John's out playing a gig at the Espy right now- very late for a school night! Dear dear! He has also moved his recording studio (Cherrystone) to a new spot in Parkville. Very noice! Molly is now 9 months old and getting cuter by the day! She is now crawling and pulling herself up on furniture and beginning to walk along the couch. She's also able to do a few signs "drink" being her favourite, and is saying mumma, dadda, bubba, and calls my mum's dog Buffy by yelling out "Buuuupi!" She also waves and says "buh bye" and "ta ta" and puts both fists in the air when we say "superman!".... Clever little cherub!

On the home front:

We are moving house toward the end of the year. Very excited as we will be moving in with my best friend (John's sis) and her hubby and little boy in Footscray- trying out living in intentional community. I have a lot I could say about this but wont start here as I'll never stop writing. If you are interested in hearing more about it please email me. We will be part of a house church living out Micah 6:8 "do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God"... Definately our style... and we'll be very active in community life (including a community garden yay!). We feel we have come to the end of our time here caring for our housemate (he has a disability and we live here rent free in exchange for us acting as live in carers)- there is only so long you can do a job like that for and we feel we need our own space and more room for Molly.

That'll do for now!

Brief I know, but that's about all that's been going on!

Here's some photos for you all!


Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Ohhh she is just gorgeous...
I hope you new living arrangements work out wonderfully...
I can understand that it is time to move on in your situation...
take care and well done on your loss during your challenge...

chocolate or the dress said...

Your community living sounds very interesting. I'd love to know more about it. You sound so excited and it's with people you love. Hope it all goes brilliantly.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful thought - living for a purpose rather than just living - and what a gorgeous thing you have been doing being a carer.

Jadey said...

The intentional living thing has me so curious. Zip me an email. I haven't really heard of stuff like this before but it sounds super exciting for you as a family.

Kate said...

Glad you're going great guns Ash! Remember as I said, when I saw you, you're looking GREAT!

Love the new pics of molly, her hair really has lightened up a lot. She is super cute :)

Kate x

Little Fat Duck said...

Hi Ash,
Id love to know more about your new living arrangements, sounds really interesting!

Kate said...

Molly is beautiful as always!!!
Your new community/living arrangements sounds really interesting, I would love to hear more.

xx Kate