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Monday, September 10, 2007

Photo post...

Molly having fun with her great-poppy

Nearly crawling... She drags herself around on her belly using one arm and one leg. Looks like an injured soldier!

A kiss from Grandad's dog Missy

Aren't dogs the funniest!!?

Cute eyes for daddy
More cute eyes from the car seat
Just ate a WHOLE big banana for lunch at the Collingwood Children's farm farmers market.. Her hair looks very ginger in this pic

Guess whose learned to point!?

And again...

Fun on Great Nan and Pop's lawn... gotta love trainers and a hoodie!



CaramelKitKat said...

I was at the CCF too! How good a day was it??!

Chris H said...

Gorgeous photos Ash, Molly is growing so big!!!!

Kate said...

Molly is too cute Ash, I love her lil teeth! Felix had that aqua/green wondersuit, I love bigger bubs in them, SO CUTE!!!

Kate x

Lil said...

Hey Ash,
Love the photos! How cute is Molly! She seems to have grown up so much since you last posted photos!
Lil xox

Cinders said...

She is so gorgeous Ash - and how good does your hair look also. Great photos.

The Candid Bandit said...

I cant believe how much she has grown in such a short amount of time. She definately looks like her mummy in these pictures!

You look super hot in the pointing picture too might I add!

Jadey said...

Molly is getting so big! She looks so good though babe. I see she is the light of your lives.