Great food philosophy...
In the persuit of gaining a buff mumma body I have unwittingly lost track of my own food philosophy- aka the way I want to live the rest of my life and the way I want to teach Molly to live. I have been living on less and less whole foods and more supplements and protein powders (which have their place when weight training but should not constitute the bigger part of your diet).
Beck has recently posted about getting back on track and focusing on eating real, unprocessed foods and she has reminded me of what I have been striving to achieve for the last few years- a natural, whole, nutritious diet free of unnecessary chemicals and additives. Thanks Beck!!
I just stumbled across this video (the bottom one with the lady) online about whole foods and it provides an excellent explanation of wholefoods and why 70 to 80% of our diets should be made up of them. I would highly recommend going to have a look if you're at all interested.
John has been sick over the last few days (but is better now) and molly has been very irritable with teething (they're now through praise the Lord!) and hasn't let me leave her side so I haven't been to the gym this week. I have been for a couple of brisk walks and have done one home weights session. I have Personal Training tomorrow night (the last of my free triple pack- Thanks Jadey!) so I just need to do a couple more cardio sessions and one more weights and my exercise will be sorted for the week. Cripes! It's Thursday- better get a wriggle on!
Food has been OK but I've certainly had better weeks. I feel a change in the air with this fresh look at wholefoods and the way I want to live so it's all good.
Molly had swimming today- she's adorable! Today I let go of her under the water for the first time and she kicked up to the surface like a little frog. She also had a try of floaties and an inflatable ring- she frog kicked all over the pool. The instructor said she is very pleased with Molly's progress. She has caught up to all the other babies who started at the beginning of the year and we've only been going for 5 weeks! Clever little sprocket!
That'll do from me today!
yep! we are just not made to eat junk food and our bodies scream it out loud when we do!
Oh too cute with Molly swimming...
I never took mine two...I am sorry i didnt...
Enjoy it...
Hey Ash,
Have been reading your blog for a while, just not commenting. Thought I'd just say hello! How cute about Molly swimming. I think that's awesome that you're teaching her so young!
Lil x
You're welcome :) .
It's amazing how much worse I feel after flooding my body with rubbish.
Awww@ Molly the frog!
Yes.. it is easy to lose focus when you are striving to become a 'yummy mummy'... (You already are!!!) It is so hard when you use most of your mental energy dealing with sickies!! Does my head in!
what the hell is Beck doing up at 3 in the morning!!!!
HAHA, I was.. well. I was..
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