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Monday, August 06, 2007


Thanks to everyone who asked me questions! Here are my belated responses.

How many children would you like to have???

2 or 3 I think. We'll have to wait until we have the 2nd one before we decide if we'll have a 3rd. It actually depends on lots of factors... money, space, whether I want to go back to work and use my hard earned degree etc etc.

What did you do for a living before your gorgeous baby girl came to be???

I just graduated from Social Work at RMIT and have been working in social and community services for the last 5 years.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now???

Hmmm.. the 5 year question- In my dreams we'd have our own home somewhere, John's band and recording studio would have taken off and I'd be spending my time looking after the kids, working with and supporting people in the community and persuing the things I love to do. I'd love to become a childbirth educator and doula as I felt such a strong connection with the whole process of childbirth. I also feel I've neglected my creative side in the last 4 years and would love to be painting, drawing and singing regularly.

The Rove question- Who would you turn gay for???

Umm... never thought about it- I think The Waifs are pretty unreal but I wouldn't go as far as saying I'd turn for them! *lol*

How do I motivate myself to turn a bad eating/exercise week into a good week???

Not a good week to ask me that question! Haha... Don't know what's gone wrong but the wheels have fallen off the wagon in a bad way recently. :( In the past I have been able to sit down and reevaluate my goals- write new goals down and tell people for accountability. But more than anything- when it comes down to it- to quote Nike (boo hiss) "just do it"- as motivation doesn't last but just plodding along and getting on with the task at hand really does work. It may be a 2 steps forward, one step back scenario biut at the end of the day you're still a step ahead arent you?!

I'd better go.
The screen is getting blurry as I'm so tired! I can barely type- I'rm surprrrised yyou can stiull understandd whats I'm talkkkkking about zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


The Candid Bandit said...

The Waifs? I agree. Just for their cool factor alone.

Yummy Mummy said...

I would turn gay for Emma from BB.. she is HOT!!!

Post a photo of molly for us!!

I believe that you know when your family is finished. Just a feeling!!! I had it after hugh (no 3..)

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Hey there,,thanks for answering ]the questions... Hope you get your mojo back and quick before you undo all the good you have done..

Anonymous said...

i am an angeline jolie chick! those lips!